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Case Report #50 - Jasmine (Idiopathic Chronic Renal Infection)

History: “Jasmine started having bladder infections about 2 months ago.  On the first occasion, she was given antibiotics for 1 week.  After 1 week off the antibiotics, the infection returned and became worse. 

Her conventional veterinarian diagnosed idiopathic disease with kidney infection.  Jasmine was put on c/d and antibiotics again. Again after antibiotics were stopped urinary distress started again.  Started IAMS weight control just before started.  See blood work-up → No urine results sent.” 

10/15/05: ETA revealed that a bacterial infection was affecting the kidneys and urinary bladder, but the “stone” reflex was absent, indicating that we were probably not working with urinary calculi. Jasmin’s owner elected to administer antibiotics of choice orally, and have Harmonic Translation administered daily by our Staff. A witness was assembled and a thirty day recheck exam was scheduled. During the intervening time, adrenal and urinary tract support were provided by HT, and amoxicillin (tested for efficacy) was administered orally.

11/4/05:  “Jasmine was doing well until today.  I stopped her amoxicillin 4 days ago and now she is lethargic and making frequent trips to the little pan.”  Owner reports Jasmine is till passing urine frequently and in small amounts.  ETA revealed the presence of a bacterial infection of the urinary tract (no stones were indicated though they are frequently recognized during chronic kidney/ladder infections). In addition, testing revealed the presence of three viral species (FeLV, Calicivirus and Feline Foamy Virus) which were affecting Triad, Skin, Large Intestine, Adrenals, Pancreas, Kidneys, Bladder/Ureter, Lung, Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Brain Stem, and Nerves.

Jasmin’s owner will administer oral antibiotics (amoxicillin continued to test effective) and a much more extensive HT (addressing the viruses and each organ system involved) was planned for daily delivery for one half hour per day.

12/15/05: Her owner reported that “Jasmine is doing better. She has been off antibiotics for 8 days, but is beginning to show signs of possible recurrence of urinary tract infection (UTI).” (Though our testing did not indicate bacterial infection at the time, about one week later another UTI was reported and antibiotics were begun again, giving Jasmine relief.) ETA revealed the presence of two viruses (FeLV, Calicivirus) affecting Triad, Skin, LI, Kidney, Bladder/Ureter, Adrenals, Pancreas. Harmonic Translation was used to deliver a much smaller protocol this month because viruses had been eliminated from Brain.

1/7/06: During her last ETA session, Jasmine indicated the presence of two viruses. At this time she had been off antibiotics for 6 days and was doing fine. However, our testing showed that Jasmine was suffering from a bacterial infection and amoxicillin therapy was again initiated. NO viruses showed up, and her HT reflected that fact.

1/28/06: Her owner reported that “Jasmine has been off antibiotics for three weeks [possible optimistic mistake]. She seemed a ‘little off’ last weekend but she ‘snapped out of it.’ Jasmine seems to be getting stronger and is returning to her ‘old self.’” ETA revealed NO bacterial infection and NO viruses. Instead, she revealed the presence of seven agricultural chemicals which frequently show up first in this locality: Aldren, Carbamates, Chlordane, DDT, Diazinon, Dieldren, and 2, 4-D. The chemicals affected: Parotid, Liver, Gallbladder, Skin and Urinary Tract. Oral antibiotics were not necessary. Harmonic Translation will be aimed at eliminating the chemicals identified, and at supporting the affected organs.

3/4/06:  “Jasmine had to start antibiotics last weekend. Had been off antibiotics before this for 1 1/2 months which is the best since this all started. Activity level is better.” 5 chemicals were found which affected Jasmine’s Parotid, Liver, Gallbladder, Skin, and Kidneys.

November 23, 2006:  We continued testing Jasmine on a monthly basis. We continued to find and eliminate chemicals and were rewarded with fewer and fewer urinary tract infections to deal with. We have not done an actual count, but it seems that we had to clear a higher number of chemicals for Jasmine than for other patients. In August, 2006, we found no more chemicals and Jasmine had gone 5 months without experiencing a urinary tract infection. At the present time she is still receiving Harmonic Translation to address renal repair because of a weak master organ reflex found during last session.











