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Routine Elimination of Hypersensitivities Using Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET) by Bert H. Brooks, D.V.M. This article describes a divergent “non-conventional” view of the definition, identification and elimination of “allergic reactions” or hypersensitivities routinely found in the treatment of dogs, cats and horses in a rural mixed veterinary practice. NAET offers the advantage of allowing a trained veterinary practitioner to routinely identify and effectively eliminate hypersensitivities simply and easily using an acupressure technique which can be applied in various ways. NAET can be learned in a short time at seminars offered by Dr. Devi Nambudripad (http://www.naet.com) or Dr. Rahmie Valentine ( However, there are a few caveats that require training by an expert in order to best protect patients. This article is meant to introduce practitioners to the subject of NAET and to describe exemplary cases which illustrate utility of the technique, but not to prepare practitioners to use NAET without appropriate training. A wide variety of veterinary and human texts on the subject of immunology devote much time to the discussion of allergies and allergic reactions. A condensed but reasonably complete conventional treatment of the subject is readily available on the Internet at www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allergy: Definition of Allergy: “. . . an abnormal immune system reaction to a substance foreign to the body that is acquired, predictable and rapid. In the strict sense of its meaning, it is the first (type 1) of five forms of hypersensitivity described by Gell and Coombs in their 1963 classification.1 However, by extension, the term ‘allergy’ is often used for other abnormal reactions to substances. Type I hypersensitivity is characterized by excessive activation of mast cells and basophils by IgE, resulting in an inflammatory response. “Mild allergies (such as hay fever, leading to symptoms such as allergic conjunctivitis and runny nose) are highly prevalent, as are conditions in which allergy plays a major role (such as asthma); some people have more severe allergies to environmental or dietary allergens (or medication) that may result in life-threatening anaphylactic reactions and potentially death. “Allergic conditions can be diagnosed in various ways, such as skin or blood tests. Treatment may include allergen avoidance, antihistamines, various other oral medications, immunotherapy (desensitization) and targeted therapy.” An important divergence exists between the conventional observations above, and the concept of allergies provided by Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad, the developer of NAET. The most important difference between the conventional definition and that of Dr. Nambudripad is that she does not limit the definition of allergies to the “abnormal immune system reaction to substance[s] foreign to the body. . .” Hypersensitivities to various parts of the body, conventionally recognized as “autoimmune” or “immune mediated” diseases are addressed by NAET in the same way as allergies or hypersensitivities to environmental allergens which are foreign to the body. NAET treatment offers great advantages to the practicing veterinarian, other health care professionals and their patients. Another disagreement between conventional theory and NAET has to do with the incidence of allergic reactions identified in patients of a given species. The conventional observation of incidence states that between twenty percent and thirty percent of humans (for instance) express hypersensitivities to environmental allergens. Using NAET with almost every patient that we see, we find that a much higher incidence of “allergic” individuals, especially among those patients which express symptoms associated with recognized chronic diseases. Allergy Identification Successful NAET application depends on the utilization of muscle response testing (MRT)1 after short rudimentary set-up of the patient. When testing is deemed appropriate, suspected allergens (or their energetic equivalents as prepared by any of a variety of methods including electronic generation by any of several Remedy Maker instruments2 designed for the purpose) are held against the patient and a surrogate’s arm is tested for strength. If the surrogate’s arm remains strong in the presence of the suspected allergen, then the patient is not allergic to the substance being tested. If MRT reveals weakness of the surrogate’s arm, that is an indication that the patient is allergic to the substance being tested. Once the allergen to be treated is identified, it is then important to determine which organ system(s) is/are affected by the allergen. Again, MRT is applied to the following organ systems which are represented by “Reflex Points” on the body: Brain, Lungs, Heart, Emotional Heart, Spleen, Pancreas, Kidneys, Liver, Gallbladder, Small Intestine, Urinary Bladder, Uterus/Prostate, and Large Intestine. Weakness of the surrogate’s arm when the confirmed allergen is tested against the indicated reflex points determines which organ system is involved. Allergy Elimination Allergy elimination is accomplished by application of Dr. Nambudripad’s assertion that allergies are associated with subluxation(s)1 of the vertebral column. When the organs involved with the allergy are identified, their associated subluxation(s) are corrected in the presence of the offending allergen by application of acupressure techniques, usually involving a chiropractic activator2 at the vertebral junctions through which nerves pass which supply the affected organs. The patient then remains in contact with the allergen identified for a period of twenty minutes. After the twenty minute clearing period, the patient must then avoid the identified allergen for the next twenty-five hours. According to Dr. Nambudripad who, in addition to other degrees including RN, DC, and MD is also a licensed acupuncturist, the twenty-five hour avoidance of the allergen allows a new particle of information to migrate through the meridians3 of the body. After the new information has traversed all of the meridians, the patient will no longer be inappropriately hypersensitive to the agent which would previously have been identified holistically or conventionally as an allergen. In my experience, this technique works as predicted in every case with no failures as long as the procedure is duplicated exactly and the patient is able to avoid the allergen during the twenty-five hour clearing period. When part of the body is identified as an allergen it will obviously be impossible for the patient to totally avoid the allergen. For example, if the body part is “skin” or “cornified epithelium,” pains must be taken so that the patient does not touch the skin with a sensory portion of the body. The wearing of an Elizabethan collar may be necessary during the clearing period as indicated by MRT. However, if the body part (allergen) is internal where it will not be touched by a sensory organ, then no precautions will be necessary and the clearing process will progress normally. After seventeen years of practicing NAET we have never found an allergen that could not be cleared effectively. Some environmental allergens that have been cleared are: foods, nutritional supplements, herbs, clothing, bedding, carpeting or other floor coverings, inhalation allergens, ornamental plants, articles of furniture, automobiles, seat covers, chemicals of every nature, and many more. Any body part you can think of has probably been an allergen at one time or another. Some of the most dramatic responses to NAET have been involved with the clearing of allergens which are body parts, especially when the allergen is a component of blood such as red blood cells or platelets because such hypersensitivities usually involve anemia which may become life threatening. Discussion of mechanism of action: I possess little or no understanding of the mechanism which connects the correction of subluxations of the vertebral column with the elimination of the “body memory” which controls the production of antibodies against virtually any component of the patient’s environment. However, since it is frequently noted that we do not fully understand all of the functions of the brain and is suggested that subluxations interfere with communication between the brain and certain parts of the body, a connection between these to concepts seems like a good place to start looking for the mechanism which would explain the consistent success on NAET.
ENDNOTES 1. Gell PGH, Coombs RRA. (1963). Clinical Aspects of Immunology. London: Blackwell. 2. Brooks, Bert H., Muscle Response Testing Used As A Diagnostic Aid In Clinical Veterinary Practice Involving Mammalian Species, JAHVMA, 2007. 3. Eagle Pro Remedy Maker (http://www.eagleresearchllc.com/)or Harmonic Translation System (http://www.cchvs.com). 4. “A [chiropractic] vertebral subluxation is defined as a relatively common condition in which a spinal vertebra has lost its proper juxtaposition with one or both of its neighboring vertebrae. While not as extreme as a luxation, chiropractors believe they cause interference to the nervous system. The WHO considers the degree of structural displacement to not necessarily be ‘visible on static imaging studies.’” – Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subluxation) 5. “The Activator instrument produces a thrust which is quicker than the body's reflexes can respond and tighten up the local muscles. So, in simple terms, the force necessary to move and adjust the joint is developed by the "speed" of the instrument's thrust, and not by a high "force". So, although the Activator instrument produces a very effective thrust, it is felt as a very gentle sensation only.” – http://www.ozchiropractic.com/Inform/Techniques/activator.htm 6. Meridians: “According to acupuncture, these are the invisible channels through which qi [subtle energy] circulates throughout the body. . . There are 12 main meridians . . . which form a network of energy channels throughout the body.” – http://www.holisticonline.com/Acupuncture/acp_meridians.htm |
Case Report – “Leroy” (Non-regenerative Anemia, Cushing’s) History (July 26, 2007): Leroy was very listless (see picture at right) a few days ago and stopped eating so his owner took him to visit the local (conventional) vet. His White Blood Count was slightly elevated (indicating the possibility of infection), but his hematocrit was 14.4% (normal: 37% - 55%)! The reticulocyte count was 28,000 [less than 60,000 is considered to be non-regenerative], indicating that regeneration of blood was not occurring properly. Leroy’s conventional vet diagnosed “Non-regenerative anemia” complicated by Cushing’s disease which was diagnosed when Leroy was less than one year old. Only five years old now, Leroy had already had bladder stones removed surgically. His local vet gave Leroy a poor prognosis and prescribed “iron pills” in hopes of stimulating blood regeneration. July 26: ETA (our form of MRT) performed by telephone revealed the presence of five common canine viruses which affected Leroy’s Triad (Liver, Spleen, Thymus), Skin, Large Intestine, Thyroid, Adrenals, Pancreas, Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Brain Stem, Nerves, Connective Tissue and Heart. In addition to the above imbalances, NAET revealed the presence of two allergies which were subsequently cleared by telephone: (1) The five viruses, and (2) Leroy’s Red Blood Cells(!) Because of Leroy's precarious condition, we recommended frequent follow-up testing with NAET. July 30: Follow up blood testing revealed a hematocrit of 11% (lower than before), following which his veterinarians said "Short of transfusions, there is nothing more we can do." NAET testing revealed allergies to his platelets and his red blood cells in combination with BBBF (Brain Body Balancing Formula - a homeopathic formula used for balancing). The allergies were cleared with NAET. August 1: His owner reported that Leroy is up and walking, and begging for food! "His attitude is much better!" NAET revealed allergies to Spleen and Spleen plus BBBF which were cleared. August 8: Owner's report: "Leroy's appetite is much better. He eats several small meals per day now. He is also able to get up and go outside by himself now. NAET (by Witness) revealed allergies to fibroblasts + BBBF, and Spleen plus Blood which were cleared by Witness. August 9: Owner's report: "Leroy vomited today and appears depressed. Appetite is less today. Son watched Leroy yesterday and may have 'overdone.'" No allergies. August 17: Owner's report: "Leroy is running and playing. His appetite is better but still not perfect. Blood tests were taken at local vets' (HCT = 20.8%). Local vets are 'amazed.'" NAET revealed allergy to Toxins in blood, and the owner's cars. Allergies were cleared. August 26: Owner's report by e-mail: "He is doing so good. I can't tell you how happy I am with what you have done for him. He looks so good, . . . He is playing, eating, full of energy, and you would never know he was sick. I am wondering if the cushings disease will improve. Thanks!" Leroy’s owner is enthusiastic and has been keeping up his testing and viral elimination. While there is more to be done in addition to allergy clearing, here is definitely and example of a case where a life has been saved by allergy elimination using NAET! As of 4/10/2011, Leroy is still happily playing with his ball! |
Leroy—Day 1 |